Donate to Save the Amazon

By donating online on our web site, you are contributing to our all-important fundraising efforts which in turn allows us to fund the many projects we work on. Thank You!

Donation Options:

Donation to Support
Donation Amount
Recurring Donation
Tribute Donation
Cover Transaction Fees

Save the Amazon needs your help. As you can see, we are running a number of campaigns that you can select to contribute to. Choose the campaign you like and select the donation you want to make.  You can also make a tribute donation.

All of the funds you contribute will be used to Save the Amazon. Please check out the video below which will give you a great background on why it is so important to save the Amazon.   Thank You!


You can also mail in a donation to Save the Amazon at the address below. Please mark your check with the campaign you want your donation to go to. If you do not add a campaign, we will allocate it to "Wherever Needed Most".

Foundation Software Solutions
Los Gatos, California 95032
United States