Kenya Evangelical Mission
January 4th 2017
Over 25 years ago Hoyt and Lois Osborne left for Kenya to further God's kingdom, today over 27 churches shine bright the beacon of the Gospel. You can see for yourself by watching this video.
January 4th 2017
Over 25 years ago Hoyt and Lois Osborne left for Kenya to further God's kingdom, today over 27 churches shine bright the beacon of the Gospel. You can see for yourself by watching this video.
January 20th 2017 1 Comment
You dont need anybody to tell you that getting the most out of a fundraising event is critical. You have limited resources, and how you allocate them between online auctions, physical events, or peer-to-peer programs will determine the extent of your success. Here is a 6-point checklist of essential "must dos"!
January 5th 2017 3 Comments
One of the biggest takeaways from the summer's "Ice Bucket Challenge" was the incredible amount of exposure the campaign created for ALS, commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease, as a direct result of peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising.
January 4th 2017
Over 25 years ago Hoyt and Lois Osborne left for Kenya to further God's kingdom, today over 27 churches shine bright the beacon of the Gospel. You can see for yourself by watching this video.
January 2nd 2017 2 Comments
Grant money is essential to the nonprofit industry. Whether the funds are sourced from government entities, corporations, or private and public foundations, grants enable nonprofit organizations to execute programs in support of their missions and causes.
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